On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Ciramella, EJ wrote:

> My company has ~500 jsps - all of which are scriptlet heavy.  I want
> to propose a change to using taglibs (either custom or directly from
> the taglib project).  What can I site as the benefits?  I'm hoping to
> find a web page or document or something that clearly states some sort
> of performance increase.  Currently, it takes a REALLY long time just
> to load the login page (which has large scriptlets embedded and it's
> imports also are 90% scriptlet).  I'm guessing that if these things
> were compiled classes in side a taglib, this would shorten load time
> and lessen the need to precompile the jsp's.
>  Thanks in advance.

The benefits of tag libraries are primarily organizational.  You're
unlikely to notice a performance improvement when switching from
scriptlets to tag libraries; your scriptlet code is being compiled into
servlets before it's run.

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.manning.com/bayern

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