On Wed, 19 Feb 2003, Scott Taylor wrote:

> I have played around with some code examples and am interested in
> creating my own web sites using JSP, Servlets and JDBC from scratch.
> I don't wish to be a guru, just someone that could knock together a
> reasonably simple web app in a day or so. (like an online client
> database, or online consultant timesheet system which you use forms to
> enter and search.)
> Could I learn just tags, struts or Maverick without getting too much
> into Java code?

You might find that you can get pretty far with JSTL.  In fact, "JSTL in
Action" has lots of information for people in your situation; I had sort
of hoped there would be more people like you.  :-)

Shawn Bayern
"JSTL in Action"   http://www.manning.com/bayern

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