Thanks Pierre :)
Is there usage examples of these?
For example does trim work just like trim in java?
<c:out value="${myString.trim()}"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Pierre Delisle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 1:29 PM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: JSTL Defined Methods

Chen, Gin wrote:
> Sorry this was posted not too long ago but I can't find it in the
> What are the JSTL 1.0 defined functions? (for trimming etc)
> -Tim

See below. Please note that these
EL functions are only available in JSTL 1.1.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Rif: Re: float to int conversion using EL; also how we can use
ceil(), floor(), ...
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 11:06:04 -0700
From: Pierre Delisle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Tag Libraries Users List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Mark R. Diggory wrote:
> On another side Note:
> Wouldn't it be good as well to provide a standard set of "static" 
> methods available in "java.lang" / "java.util" in general including 
> things like String concatenation, substrings, comparision, math and 
> dates? Sounds like the start of a "Standard EL functions" library?

JSTL 1.1 includes 16 standardized functions.

Length function:
 - To get the length of a collection or string (length)

String manipulation functions:
 - Change the capitalization of a string (toLowerCase, toUpperCase)
 - Get a subset of a string (substring, substringAfter, substringBefore)
 - Trim a string (trim)
 - Replace characters in a string (replace)
 - Check if a string contains another string (indexOf, startsWith, endsWith,
 - split a string (split) into an array, and join an array into a string
 - Escape XML characters in the string (escapeXml) 

The JSTL Expert Group did not go overboard with functions in JSTL 1.1
because it 
is not clear yet how the EL will evolve in the future. If the EL ever allows
invocation, then many of the above functions would not be required.

   -- Pierre

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