Just out of curiousity. Unless the code is doing something short of
ridiculous.. How much of a speed difference could there really be? I mean
what exactly are u looking for? Would a difference of 100 milli effect the
outcome of ur app? 1 sec even? What is the you main concern?

-----Original Message-----
From: Serge Knystautas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 9:35 AM
To: Tag Libraries Users List
Subject: Re: Speed differences between <jsp:include> and <c:import>

Sgarlata Matt wrote:
> Does anyone know if there are any speed differences between using
> <jsp:include> and <c:import> if one is including a file that is local to
> web server?  Obviously if one does <c:import> and imports a file from a
> remote web server that will be slower than including something on the
> server.
> Sorry if this is a common question, but I searched google, here and
> struts-user and could not find an answer.

Since c:import does what a jsp:include does if it a local resource, the 
difference should be minimal.  It is open source though, so I'd check 
out the code and see what is any extra processing is done.

Serge Knystautas
Lokitech >> software . strategy . design >> http://www.lokitech.com
p. 301.656.5501

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