Here is a code snippet of bundle declaration in the main JSP file of the
application :

<%-- Creating audio files bundle --%>
    <fmt:setBundle basename="audioLabels" var="audioLabels"
    <fmt:setLocale value="${settingsQuery.rows[0].AudioLanguage}"

And here is an example of the usage , another JSP file of the same
(Declaration of some VXML variable ...)

<var name="message" expr="'<fmt:message bundle="${audioLabels}"


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Martin van Dijken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tag Libraries Users List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2003 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: JSTL / fmt locale question

Hey Dima,

Could you post a little more source of your JSP page? This looks OK to me,
so I'd need a little more information to check what's going wrong.



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dima Gutzeit [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: dinsdag 30 september 2003 21:40
> Subject: JSTL / fmt locale question
> Hi everybody ,
> Recently I've encountered a very annoying behavior of fmt
> taglib (JSTL).
> I am using some bundle ,called "audioLabels" to localize some
> messages in my JSP/VXML application. The problem is that I
> CAN not change the locale it uses, no matter what I do with
> the <fmt:setLocale> tag. It uses the default file
> "" file or the default system language
> file "" file. The application seems
> to "ignore" my statements such this :
> <fmt:setLocale value="${settingsQuery.rows[0].AudioLanguage}"
> scope="session"/>
> Where the settingsQuery.rows[0].AudioLanguage == ru , for example.
> Does anybody know why can this happen ? I've tried to
> download the latest taglibs release and nothing helped

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