Martin van Dijken wrote:

I was aware of the fact taht there were several extra steps necessary
> to get an HTTPS connection, but not that it required this much code in
> the page. This makes the use of IO very impractical for this use case.
> Now it would seem to be a very good idea to put this code in the tag
> itself, but I wonder if that is possible at all. I see a lot of Sun in
> the code you wrote, is that code that is dependant on a Sun JVM?

I *think* I tested this on a non-Sun VM (Kaffee) at the time, but
can't swear to it. In any case, both of the following methods say
they will search all available packages for an alternate if the
specified provider isn't found.

   KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance("JKS","SUN");
   myFactory = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance("SunX509");

Given that, and that I suspect this is relatively boiler-plate for most applications, this becomes the significant local variable:

FileInputStream("/path/to/cacerts"), null);

// which could easily - in theory! - be an io tag attribute:

<io:http url="";
                action="POST" input="true" output="true">

Anyway, if someone has an easier way to do the necessary setup, I'd be interested in seeing it :-)

Hassan Schroeder ----------------------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Webtuitive Design ===  (+1) 408-938-0567   ===

dream. code.

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