Yes, I did. Jstl doesn't work if I use servlet specification 2.3. Once I change it to servlet specification 2.4 in web.xml, it works. I use Struts 1.2.4 with jstl 1.1.


From: Christian Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: "Tag Libraries Users List" <>
To: Tag Libraries Users List <>
Subject: Re: jstl doesn't work
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2005 07:59:30 -0300

Hi Michael,

Did you include the necessary taglib directives at the beginning of your JSP? For example, to use the core taglib as you are doing:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] prefix="c" uri=""%>

This needs to be included at the top of any JSP using the taglib. If you already know this, I apologize. It was the only thing I could think of that you didn't mention. Hope this helps.


michael Muttai wrote:

Why do I get ${customers.firstName} when I use the following codes in a jsp file?

<c:forEach var="customers" items="${requestScope.customers}">
<td><c:out value="${customers.firstName}"/></td>

I use JBoss 4.0.3. I include jstl.jar and standard.jar under web-inf/lib and some *.tld files under web-inf.

Any help is appreciated.


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