Sébastien Brodeur <brodseba <at> gmail.com> writes:

I want to clarify my post.

I check the JSTL 1.1 Specification Maintenance Release, but I found nothing
helpful (except the change in <x:forEach> having now a varStatus attribute and
the fact that the <c:forEach> can no longer use a X tags select to iterate.  A
change not highlight into the Appendix A by the way.)

This code work fine using JSTL 1.0, but not with JSTL 1.1.  The expression
($xml/books/book[id=$param.bookId]) ALWAYS return false, so I ALWAYS got

  <x:when select="not($xml/books/book[id=$param.bookId])">
    <%-- There is no valid node in the xml --%>
    <%-- Do something with the xml. --%>

The easies solution seem obvious.  I should remore the not() and swap the code
segment from when to otherwise.  But not() should work God d**m it.

We have also problem using the AND and OR operator in XPath expression.

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