Name the loop item different from the name of the ArrayList 

So instead of <c:forEach var="RecordList" items="${RecordList}"> , rewrite it 
something like this:

<c:forEach var="recordListItem" items="${RecordList}">

Then try:

<c:out value="${recordListItem.axField}" /> inside the c:forEach loop.

I hope everything else is configured correctly for JSTL1.0 -- for example
1) web.xml that conforms to Servlet 2.3  (has the DTD and everything 2.3)
2) Web Container that supports Servlet 2.3 and JSP 1.2 -- example Tomcat 4.1.34 
3) JSTL 1.0 versions of jstl.jar and standard.jar 
4) May need to add TLDs explicitly to web.xml (Not required in JSTL 1.1.x ---- 
not sure if it is required in JSTL 1.0.x)
5) Correct versions of JSTL 1.0 taglib URIs in the JSP pages. 
6) Set isElIgnored="false" 

Also instead of <c:out value="${recordListItem.axField}" />  , you could also 
use the shorter syntax ${recordListItem.axField} (works in JSTL 1.1.x not sure 
if this short syntax works in JSTL 1.0.x)


----- Original Message ----
From: neeraj bhusare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:11:28 PM
Subject: Strange JSTL1.0 problem


> I am experience a strange problem using *JSTL1.0.* Please find my
> problem description below.

> I have a ArrayList of objects (Java beans with some getter /setters), which
> are to be rendered in a JSP page. I tried using struts tag library by I
> didn't find it much helpful so I tried using JSTL tag library. My Code
> snippet is given below

> Here,RecordList – List containing the Java Beans with getter and setters for
> axField, displayLabel, search etc.


                        <td><c:out value="${RecordList.axField}" />

      <bean:define id="Foo" value="${RecordList.axField}" /></td>

                        <td><c:out value="${RecordList.diaplayLabel}" /></td

                        <td><c:out value="${}" /></td>

                        <td><c:out value="${RecordList.result}" /></td>

                        <td><c:out value="${RecordList.view}" /></td>


                        <td><html:link action="/Edit" paramId="axField"
paramName="Foo" paramScope="page"> Edit</html:link></td>

                        <td><html:link action="/DeleteRecord" paramId=
"axField" paramName="Foo" paramScope="page">Delete</html:link></td>



The retrieved field values of  axField, displayLabel, search etc are
rendered comfortably on the JSP page in the <c:out />,  but when I try using
${} into the <bean:define value=${…}/> tag, the value associated with the
axField is not retrieved. Even if I try using ${} outside any of the struts
tags/JSTL tags, no value is rendered.

I guess there is some compatibility problem. I would like to know if I am
missing something or there exists some workaround for the same.

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