Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
On 4/29/07, venu madhav <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Rashmi,
                    Thank you very much for providing me the solution.
So , we can conclude that the taglib was written using old spec and it
was not updated isn't it.
Any way thanks once again for solving my problem. Have a nice day.

Hi Venu,

You're welcome. It appears that DataGrid was not updated to Servlet
2.3, 2.4 or 2.5 spec.

I got the above Servlet 2.2 DTD from the datagrid-examples.war which
came with jakarta-taglibs-sandbox-datagrid-20060829.

I'm trying DataGrid out the first time and it has very impressive
functionality. If I knew how to upgrade it to the current spec, I
would submit a patch but at this time I don't know about writing or
modifying custom taglibs.

I don't know if you plan to use other taglibs like JSTL, you mentioned
you have JSTL 1.1.x
And JSTL 1.1.x requires a web.xml that conforms to Servlet 2.4 spec,
but DataGrid requires a Servlet 2.2 web.xml ---- just letting you know
in advance.


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Hi reshmi,
That s right. To use the grid am not using JSTL. Am using EL. For now its ok. But am sure the problem will arise in the future. Ok can I know where your are working.

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