On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 09:24:18AM +0100, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-11-12 at 16:03 +0800, xiao_s_yuan wrote:
> > I want to know can I put the client,storage,introducer on one computer
> > with ubuntu,I tried to do this but find that only one ".tahoe" can
> > exist under the /root folder,but every client or storage  must have a
> > folder like ".tahoe",so how can I run tahoe-LAFS on only one computer
> Hi xiao,
> I successfully did that once by using different users for the introducer
> and the storage server.
> So run the introducer as user1 and run the main tahoe process as user2.
> Kind regards,
> Ed

The tahoe create-{client,node,introducer} and {start,stop,restart} commands all
accept an optional directory argument which can be used instead of the default
~/.tahoe directory.

Here are two different scripts which each automate the creation of local grids
for testing purposes:



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