>>>>> "Lele" == Lele Gaifax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


    Lele> I assume there isn't a way to disable the recompilation and
    Lele> the test suite?

Some work has been done but it's not yet in the development branch.


    Lele> Which format is that? Keep in mind that in one way or
    Lele> another, either when "slurping" the "pending" changesets or
    Lele> step by step as soon as any single source changeset is
    Lele> applied, tailor needs to assemble its own ChangeSets
    Lele> objects, enriched with a list of "touched" entries.

See below, except for parsing it will match the tailor ChangeSet well:

brief_description = "Fix #136: reduce multiple `dead` entries in a row to just 
description = "none";
cause = external_improvement;
test_exempt = true;
test_baseline_exempt = true;
regression_test_exempt = true;
state = awaiting_development;
uuid = "215dd540-3edf-4d24-97d6-08c3e58809ea";
src =
                file_name = "vcpx/repository/cvs.py";
                uuid = "65a5caea-0996-4570-9d46-fbc3db87648c";
                action = modify;
                usage = source;
                attribute =
                                name = "edit-origin-UUID";
                                value = "dc6254ef-b33e-4534-9870-78c20fef2830";
                file_name = "vcpx/tests/cvs.py";
                uuid = "0e68fc72-4940-4974-9e29-bd74877e6c31";
                action = modify;
                usage = source;
                attribute =
                                name = "edit-origin-UUID";
                                value = "5fa4c7db-e44a-4c4a-b558-90cc2bcb672b";
                file_name = "vcpx/tests/data/cvs-created_in_branch_2_test.log";
                uuid = "166940a6-087e-4624-94a8-74098998d8ff";
                action = create;
                usage = source;

    >> Which one is the way to go (from a tailor user POV)?

    Lele> I think the second way is a lot better from the tailor
    Lele> *user* POV; evidently it's a little bit trickier to code,
    Lele> but the advantage is clear.


Walter Franzini

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