On 25/09/13 17:12, Alan wrote:
> I believe the feature/liveusb_ui_improvement is now ready to merge.
> tickets: 
> - https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/6292
> - https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/6293
> - tails branch: feature/liveusb_ui_improvement
> - liveusb-creator branch: already merged into master, sorry if it was
>   not what to do.

I did a bunch of tests on that branch I built on October 5. Here are two
bugs I found:

1. I tried it with 3 different devices (2 USB, 1 SD) and two of them had
a model name that was too long to fit well in the current widget, and
the size was not displayed properly. I was probably quite unlucky.
Sometimes the model name might not ring a bell to the user (my SD had a
name that had nothing to do with what is written on it, in that case it
is really required to have to size displayed properly I think.

2. When doing an install, the confirmation dialog does not mention that
any data on this device will be lost. I think there was a warning before
in the body of the log, isn't it? Something like "All the data on that
device will be lost."

Otherwise I think it's a great UX improvement!

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