
sajolida <sajol...@pimienta.org> wrote:
> Regarding whether the onion turns red when Tor is not usable anymore
> (for whatever reason that we still need to specify). This I can't tell
> either.
To avoid regressions, let's just implement a very simple 1 bit
extension (Tor/no Tor).

> If you think that you need more UX design to be done before deciding on
> the right infrastructure for those tools, then we should start a thread
> on tails-ux. The bad thing to do would be to take technical decisions in
> this thread (which is dense and probably not read by anyone else than
> us) that would, later on, limit what we ca propose as UX for the big
> picture of #7438 and frustrate both the people designing and the people
> coding.
I don't we need more design to implement the basic mechanism that would
avoid regressions.

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