
I had noticed this during earlier release preps, but didn't get to the
bottom of it: with a buster system used exclusively for Tails purposes
(so no fancy extra packages installed), I cannot get the test suite to
get Tor bootstrapped:
|     Step failed while creating checkpoint: Tor is ready
|     Generated snapshot step failed with exception:
|       TorBootstrapFailure: Tor failed to bootstrap
|   # An issue with this feature is that scenarios depend on each
|   # other. When editing this feature, make sure you understand these
|   # dependencies (which are documented below).
|   Scenario: I am warned I can not use Additional Software when I start Tails 
from a DVD and install a package      # 
|     Given I have started Tails from DVD and logged in with an administration 
password and the network is connected # 
|       Tor failed to bootstrap (TorBootstrapFailure)
|       ./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:232:in `rescue in 
|       ./features/support/helpers/misc_helpers.rb:217:in 
|       ./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:435:in `/^Tor has built a 
|       ./features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:418:in `/^Tor is ready$/'
|       ./features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:175:in `block in 
|       ./features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:173:in `each'
|       ./features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:173:in `reach_checkpoint'
|       ./features/step_definitions/snapshots.rb:202:in `/^I\ have\ started\ 
Tails\ from\ DVD\ and\ logged\ in\ with\ an\ administration\ password\ and\ 
the\ network\ is\ connected$/'
|       features/additional_software_packages.feature:13:in `Given I have 
started Tails from DVD and logged in with an administration password and the 
network is connected'

This is hindering:
 - my general ability to test Tails;
 - my specific ability to check locally what failed in Jenkins, namely
   all of features/additional_software_packages.feature

Looking at XMPP logs (I didn't check what's happening now) from May, and
skipping some explanations:
| [2020-05-05 22:59:49] kibi: I'm not seeing any HTTPS packets with the test 
| [2020-05-05 22:59:57] kibi: Hard to get the time if you don't ask for it, 
| [2020-05-05 23:29:07] kibi: not an issue when running the VM separately (on 
the same machine), not an issue when running the test suite on stretch 
(different machine), not an issue on baremetal.
| [2020-05-05 23:29:22] kibi: I think a bug or undocumented requirement when 
running the test suite on buster.

Any insight appreciated…

Tests failing on Jenkins are a pain enough on their own, we don't need
additional problems for developers or release managers on their local

Cyril 'kibi' Brulebois (c...@riseup.net)

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