Google Maps has finally caught up to OSM in the Canberra suburbs of Dunlop
and Forde. Actually this is quite impressive for Google since some of the
Forde streets have only been open to the public for a month or so.  Mind
you, they do have an extra appendage on Jessie Street that isn't actually
there  (I don't think it's an Easter Egg, but who knows!!).

However they fall way behind in Franklin - C'mon Google some of those street
have been driveable for over 10 days now. :-)
In Queanbeyan they are wrong quite a bit and no evidence that it will ever
be fixed.

One Street in Harrison has three different names -

a Google/Navteq/PSMA name
a Sensis/Whereis name
an OSM Name  (identical to the street sign) - also happens to be the one
decreed by legislation.

Yes - this street had it's name changed by legislation twice, even before it
was built and since only OSM mappers seem to be keen enough to actually
drive the roads in order to map what is actually there, the others will
probable never correct the mistake.

A street in Franklin also had it's name changed. - OSM reflected this within
a day or two of the street sign being changed..

One of the major roads in the centre of Canberra had it's name changed. The
government website had the details for many a month so I was watching out
for when the street signs finally changed. Google and Sensis still have this
street wrong.

I beleive that this is one of the good features of OSM - it can change
quickly. E.G  Burnie street in  Lyons is impassable both in OSM and reality
(roadworks of a major nature that will take a long time).  Also Sheppard
street in Hume.

Whilst the commercial mappers just take information from other sources and
bulk import it into their datasets they are going to have problems - just
look at the new google map  rendering of Canberra "International" airport.
There seens to be a civilian roundabout in the middle of a taxiway - Still
thats ok since they got it's name wrong anyway.
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