2008/10/21 Kim Hawtin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> - Are the rail and road under passes right? I have set them as
>  tunnels, because it makes more sense than the freeway being a
>  bridge, how ever what do other folks use?

Without actually looking at what you've done - I've done both.  If the
underpass really does feel like a tunnel, then I've used that, even if
it is actually at the surrounding ground level, and the highway's on
an embankment.

There are some cases where a bridge for the highway is a better
description, though.  Also - if you have roads crossing at only a
small angle, a bridge shows up better on most renderers than a tunnel
does.  We're not supposed to "map for the renderer", but if it could
go either way anyway, you might want to keep this in mind.

> - I've put in a few round'a'bouts ... they are messy critters.
>  is it the right thing to draw them out with little link roads
>  or should they be put up as where the roads intersect with
>  the joining node and tag that node as a round about?
>  especially larger ones, like the end of Gawler street near the
>  bus interchange?

We discussed this on this list a while back - and decided that we
don't actually have many (any?) of the paint only roundabouts in
Australia that are quite common in the UK and are tagged as
mini_roundabouts.  So we would use that tag for any roundabout where
the central island fits inside the road intersection.  This would
cover most suburban roundabouts.  Just connect the roads at a central
node, tag the node mini_roundabout. Don't forget to add the
direction=clockwise tag.

Any bigger roundabout you actually draw a circle (at least four
points), mark it as junction=roundabout, and make sure the way goes
clockwise, because it will be oneway.  Then connect the roads to the
roundabout. The following link has pictures.  And you're right, they
are painful and messy.


> - My edits seem to be taking around two weeks to hit the OSM
>  normal map ... isn't this normally happening weekly?

They get new data for the renderer weekly, but then they actually have
to process the data to form maps, which takes a while. This also
explains why sometimes you see a mix of old and new data where one
tile has been rendered, but the one beside hasn't been updated yet.


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