"Encouraging on a quality contol level"

HI Darren,

Please excuse me for taking your quote a bit out of context but....

My concern is if someone traces a road from Yahoo, and then it gets tagged
from a source other than the street signs
then the road is complete but has never been surveyed.

Yahoo hi-res imagery is sometime over two years out of date and roads that
seem to be there are non existant.
Also these old directories don't appear to have any of the one way streets
in central Adelaide marked as such.

Therefore once they are traced and tagged, thats it, they will remain
incorrect until someone using the Garmin
routable maps is directed up the wrong way.  Then either that person will
sign up to OSM, just to fix this road or
more likely will just say, Well OSM's worse than Sensis or PSMA and go back
to the better maps.

Morialta Street (near Victoria Square) appears to have already suffered this
fate. There are no public gps tracks
so I can only assume it has been traced.  Google street view, google maps
and sensis mapping all indicate that
it is a one way road but to use this to add a oneway tag would unfortunately
be copyright infringement.

It will be interesting to see what happens to its neighbour "Trades Hall

If necessary I'll try to survey all the one way streets in central Adelaide,
but I won't be able to do it till

Gawler Place is marked as one way for part of its length but google street
view seems to indicate that it should
be one way right through to Grenfell rather than just Pirie. Next door Wyatt
is missing its oneway tag.

I appears that I'm going to be busy this december, but hey, it was the lack
of marked one way streets (in Monterey California- Teleatlas mapping)
than really got me motivated to contribute to OSM so I'm more than happy to
drive down the very smallest one way roads that
I can find.  (Gotta find a hire car with a really good turning circle !!)
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