> Really? We've always called 'em Fords here in SA, they called
> causeways
> elsewhere? And a causeway to me is exactly the definition I saw
> posted
> earlier from wikipedia, so the whole confusion is confusing to me :)
> > Something else I can't work out how to tag is a jetty, the thing
> that
> > juts out into water and boats tie up to. But after 8 years of
> drought
> > here, perhaps I needn't worry too much.
> man_made = pier works doesn't it? That's whay I've seen people using
> and the definition on map features seems to fit it.

Hi All,

I don't have a problem with a ford (Slab of concrete or gravel base across a 
water course, wet or 
dry) or a causeway ( A rock or concrete structure across a water course with 
the ability of water to 
pass under during normal season and water over structure during flooding)

I don't have a problem with a pier to show a structure along a water course or 
protruding into a 
watercourse that is used for marine activities.

What I do have a problem with is a rock or concrete wall that is built to 
control the flow of water as 
in river mouths and enclosing harbours. Some call them "Breakwalls", some call 
them "Training 
Walls", some call them "Breakwaters", some call them "Retaining Walls" and so 

What do we call them ???  Nearly every river and harbour on the north coast of 
NSW have them


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