JOSM can do all this offline and you don't have to upload the gps trace to the 
osm server before editing it.

It is easy to use and for major work is better than potlatch.  Have a read here:

Best of all if it doesn't look right don't upload it and restart.

keepright for Australia is at:

It will show where there are errors in the current database.

I also have it set up on a server here for my own use.


On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 22:20:51 +1000
"Dan O'Hara" <> wrote:

> As a total newbie to this I was advised to use Potlatch as it was seen to be
> the easiest.  I understand that JOSM and mercaator(sp?) are more
> sophisticated eg do proper roundabouts, but I wanted to graduate first!
> Also, I can not load (or view) maps from for some reason - I have to
> download or access OSM maps from other sources.
> In my trials and errors - I tried to tidy up my tracks in Mapsource before
> loading (eg the aimless wandering and chatting with others before a walk or
> the straight line that sometimes happens when you turn off then turn on the
> GPS in a different location without saving the track).  However, i found out
> (after I had uploaded and traced) that some were still untidy.  I ended up
> deleting a few of my uploads and reuploading.  Lots of work for little
> return, particularly in a couple of cases.  Can JOSM and Mercaator do this
> type of tidying up? Perhaps I should move in while still wearing my "L"s?
> Ps what's keepright?
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Ross Scanlon
> Sent: Wednesday, 17 June 2009 10:11 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [talk-au] Hi all ...
> On Wed, 17 Jun 2009 20:20:21 +1000
> "Dan O'Hara" <> wrote:
> > I have two immediate questions (actually I have a lot but these have been
> > preying on my mind as a result of my breach).  When you go to an
> attraction,
> > be it an outdoor winery/farm tour or say, fun park or caravan park, are
> the
> > tracks worthwhile to trace into OSM?
> Probably not, but they may be useful for marking out the boundaries of the
> attraction.
> >  Secondly, and unrelated to the first
> > question . if tracks you place end up being radically different to the
> > established map should you just stop at the track and not trace so others
> > can see your green/blue track or should you put in a potentially
> conflicting
> > trace? I am (slowly) gaining knowledge in some of the less obvious screens
> > to see who placed what trace where but, for the same technical reasons as
> > above I can not "view" maps on OSM so this has not been easy.
> See if the way has a source tag if it does and this is other than survey or
> gps then it's generally fair game to move it.
> As an aside to this why do people upload gps traces then trace them using
> potlatch etc?
> I've always used josm for big uploads/edits.  Potlatch when I just want to
> quickly correct and error I've found or when using keepright.
> Load the area I'm working in from osm then loaded the gpx file into josm.  I
> then edit the ways etc of the gpx files using the tools in josm, simplify
> way, align nodes in circle/line etc then upload the changes to osm.
> I don't have a problem with uploading gps traces to osm but I can see no
> benifit if I'm just going to edit them in josm anyway and given that they
> are all one second data that's a lot of data to put on the osm servers when
> not really necessary.
> Cheers
> Ross
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