2009/6/18 Rick Peterson <ausr...@iinet.net.au>:
> Background:
> I was having a look at my local area with Keepright and spotted a couple of
> "dead ended one ways". On close inspection in Potlatch, I see that the
> junctions have not been formed correctly. The layout of the streets, street
> names etc all appear to be correct.
> Well, I fixed those couple of dead ended one ways, but then checking other
> data around the immediate area, I see that just about all of the regular two
> way junctions have not been formed correctly. I started to fix them in one
> block of suburban streets, but the number of problems is significant, so I
> stopped my work to contact the mailing list to make sure I'm on the right
> track. (pardon the pun)

There are huge numbers of these around Australia.  I think a lot of
them are caused by people who originally traced the ways from imagery,
and didn't make sure that the ways connected up properly (or at all,
in some cases). It's gotten to the point where every time I edit an
area to add names, etc the first thing I do is run an error check (I
use JOSM) and fix as many as possible from the data I have.  Otherwise
when I get to the point of checking my own edits, they're swamped in
other problems.

> I wonder why these don't show up in Keepright with the "almost-junctions"
> check?

Maybe it's "almost" is closer than you might expect, or perhaps it's
just buggy.  Or there's so many errors it runs out before finishing
the check?


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