--- On Tue, 7/7/09, Karl Mowatt-Wilson <k...@free.net.nz> wrote:

> I have no clue for languages other than English, but I
> think that any 
> highway name string ending with a space and 2 letters (and
> optional dot) 
> should be viewed with suspicion.  This may be best
> suited for an 
> "aggressive check" mode, though  :-)

Yes, but in the examples given they can be 3 or 4 characters as well, we're 
also not just dealing with the Australian variants here and from memory German 
street abbreviations are at the start, not the end so I wanted to be very very 
specific about this.

> It looks to me like you're using regexes - I don't know
> which flavour, 

Java flavoured, and I'm not talking about tasting coffee here :)

> exactly, but I suspect that your "(|\.)" could just be
> "\.?" - 
> indicating zero or one of the dot character.

You are probably correct, it's taken me a number of years to get my head round 
regex for the amount I dabble in at present, and I have no idea which would be 
more efficient for the parser...


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