Ross Scanlon <i...@...> writes:
> On Fri, 18 Sep 2009 22:03:08 +1000
> John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@...> wrote:
> > I came to the conclusion that putting streets in, even without names
> > is very valuable because other people with local knowledge can fill in
> > the blanks without needing a GPS, at least that's how it'd work in
> > theory :)

Yeah, I still don't have a GPS :(, but that hasn't stopped me making a large
contribution (most time consuming work is in visiting streets for names & POI)

> Also don't forget to mark them as source=survey if from a gps trace.  That 
> way others will know they are generally accurate.

I think the preferred attribution scheme is to use source=gps as that is what
the actual source is & survey is ambiguous with proper survey equipment.

> > As for roundabouts, they're a bit of hassle and I'd love for JOSM to
> > do it better but any way as things are I either draw a square and then
> > add mid points between the 4 corners to turn it into a roundabout, or
> > I draw a triangle and hit shift+o, neither is perfect but perfection
> > isn't generally achievable anyway.
> I do the same.  Generally if you do the roads and put a node at about 10m from
the crossing point on each road then
> join the nodes in a clockwise direction it will give a reasonable roundabout
when rendered.

BTW, Potlatch & Mercator handle roundabouts now (Mercator for year(s) now)


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