On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 18:24:26 +1000
John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2009/10/6 Liz <ed...@billiau.net>:
> > On Tue, 6 Oct 2009, Jeff Price wrote:
> >> G'day all,
> >>
> >> Any chance folks could take some conversations offline, or batch
> >> up their 15 emails into a single email?  I presume I'm not the
> >> only one who has pretty well stopped paying any real attention to
> >> the talk-au list because its carrying on like a Twitter feed.
> >>
> >> Jeff.
> > if you get the list emailed as a digest ( an option you can set at
> > http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-au ) you have that
> > easily.

This makes it difficult to take part in conversations in a thread-safe

> Alternatively emails can be either sent to a new mail account just for
> mailing list(s) emails or filtered differently from personal emails.

I'm sorry, you've got the onus for change on completely the wrong side.
The "tweeters" are the offending parties in this case, and also in the
minority. They should adapt their behaviour to those of us who follow
standard behavioural norms and who consider others, instead of the
other way around.

There are more suitable channels, as Jeff pointed out, or start your
own list.

The serious effect of this chatter, whether I digest or not, is that I
miss a lot of important stuff because it's buried in the noise, which I
tend to skim. Please think it through with other people and the
net(work) effect in mind.

Wiki vote, perhaps?

Cheers, hopefully not for the last time.

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