2009/12/22 Ross Scanlon <i...@4x4falcon.com>:
> Draw another way beside it or something but make sure you don't accidently 
> delete them.

When making postcode boundaries I'm starting to really agree with you,
people using roads especially make a complete mess of things at times
and you can't easily see the boundaries in JOSM. Although that is as
much of a failing of JOSM to display boundaries better too.

I think it's suitable to use boundaries for rivers/streams especially
where there is no hi-res imagery or GPS traces, other than that it
would be nice if JOSM didn't auto add nodes to boundaries when you are
drawing roads etc.

I wonder if there would be worth filing a request for enhancement
against JOSM so it doesn't display boundaries by default, you need to
load a boundary layer and/or specifically ask for the boundary to be
loaded in the same layer.

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