On Thu, 2010-03-18 at 17:14 +1000, John Smith wrote:
> Australian web surfers yesterday became the first in the world to see
> advertiser logos on the Google Maps website, highlighting the
> locations of five companies -- NAB, Bankwest, JB Hi-Fi, LJ Hooker and
> Chemist Warehouse.

I just checked around my area, JB hi-fi is shown the same as any other
business.  While looking around the area, I just found the NAB branch
and a CBA ATM, both showing as located in a carpark, in completely the
wrong location.  The only one POI you mentioned that is actually placed
correctly and standing out from any other items, is the chemist

> Fitness First and BP are also understood to be preparing to launch
> advertising on the service.

BP is shown at the correct location but the Shell about 100m up the road
isnt even mapped.  Fitness First, I found by accident clicking on
various items on the map, labelled simply as 'Woden' (the suburb its
in).  Interestingly, the police station next-door (its not close at all,
but theyre side-by-side on the google map) is labelled with the wrong
suburb.  Even the westfield is mis-located... one wonders did they even
bother checking anything or if they simply mass imported a lot of data.

For what its worth, all the above items Ive mentioned, are shown
correctly on OSM, even down to car wash and ATM facilities at the

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