On 28 April 2010 23:11, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:
> If you read what I said, you'll note the end of the sentence 'are
> rendered currently'.  Yes, anyone can ask for anything to be rendered,
> but Im wondering how someone can tag stuff without bothering to read the
> wiki.

I could comment that you are assuming the only things rendered are on
the "official" list, but I can't be bothered to prove things either
way just to make a point.

> Then again, people not knowing about the existing tagging system might
> explain some of the weird things Ive found in keepright, such as the
> aforementioned 'highway=Dirt-track' tag I found a couple of times and
> tagged properly.

Again, you are assuming this issue came up entirely due to
disagreements on tagging, this isn't the case and this is why this
issue has come up.

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