On 3 May 2010 08:23, Peter Ross <pe...@emailross.com> wrote:
> Which is 1.5% of australias total surface area (7 692 024km^2) with
> victoria leading the way with 20% of the state having aerial coverage
> (237,629km^2).  I think it's somewhat less as the melbourne coverage
> extends into NSW, but even so it's very impressive.  If they fly
> ballarat then all the major regional centres of victoria would be
> covered which would be great.

I think they already flew Ballerat, and yes the Melbourne imagery
extends into NSW, we could split the polygon and get a more accurate
answer we could also spend more time aligning the boundaries to be
more exact as well, but I did this mostly out of curiosity.

Then they just need a few other capitals (Darwin, Hobart), missing
sections of current cities (Ipswich, west of Brisbane) and regional
centres (Dubbo, Tamworth, Toowoomba etc) and that would cover the
majority of the population...

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