On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Andrew Gregory <and...@scss.com.au> wrote:
> I'd like to thank everyone who replied. While there were some suggestions,
> it seems nobody else is worrying about these, so I guess with no
> established convention I'll go with waterway=drain;area=yes.
> waterway=drain because I've seen many of these sites with signs marked
> "drainage area". area=yes is required because the wiki page for drain:

Fwiw, I'd start using a new tag, maybe "waterway=drainage_area", and
make a note in the wiki. Marking it "drain, area=yes" implies that
this is an actual running drain that happens to be quite wide at that

Incidentally, to make sure I'm understanding what we're talking about,
you're talking about an area where water runs *into*, in order to seep
into the soil?


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