While playing round with mapnik style sheets I came across a noname
style sheet which makes a red line for the way:


I extended it a little by making it render up to z7, and it also
ignores unnamed roundabouts:


It's not surprising that the areas with the most unnamed streets also
have the most aerial imagery available.

The reason I played with this style sheet was due to people
complaining about the time it takes CloudMade to refresh their nonamed
tiles, I have the server setup to be z0-z8 expire once a week, z9-z12
expire in 2 days and z13-z18 expire in 4 hours.

I was expiring tiles in real time but the application to handle that
runs on a single core so the server ended up getting behind well
behind in updates at times, I would have thought a lot more of the
tile stuff would have been multi-process or at least multi-threaded.

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