On 16 June 2010 22:24, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> specific request to check hillston airport
> Station Details   ID: 075032   Name: HILLSTON AIRPORT
> and hay airport
> Station Details   ID: 075019   Name: HAY AIRPORT AWS
>  as i have found those ones and moved them already
> the numbers on the BoM web site are to 2 decimal places only so way out

The CSV file we found on the BOM site has 4dp which if accurately
measured would be within 10m...

   Site  Dist Site_name                                  Start     End
     Lat      Long  Source        Sta Height (m)   Bar_ht    WMO
AWS_start   AWS_end

075019 75    HAY AIRPORT AWS                             2007      ..
-34.5412  144.8345 GPS            NSW       92.0     92.5  94702
2007        ..
075032 75    HILLSTON AIRPORT                            1881      ..
-33.4915  145.5249 GPS            NSW      122.0    120.2  94700
 ..        ..

AWS = Automated Weather Station (electronic)
WMO = World Meteorological Organization

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