On 28 July 2010 16:35, Simon Biber <simonbi...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> James Andrewartha <tr...@student.uwa.edu.au> wrote:
>> Each state is done once every seven years, that doesn't seem overly frequent 
>> to
> In my experience electoral redistributions happen after every election (4 
> years
> apart).
> A little research shows that in my state, South Australia, members of the 
> House
> of Assembly face re-election approximately every  four years, and that 
> electoral
> boundaries are adjusted after each election.
> Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Australian_Electoral_Districts
> A little more research and it seems that in your state, Western Australia, the
> members of the Legislative Assembly are elected for four-year terms, and 
> changes
> to electoral boundaries happen after every state general election in the
> Legislative Assembly.
> Source:
> http://www.boundarieswa.com/upload/Where%20will%20you%20be%20in%202009_v4.pdf
> Is that not right?

The dataset in question is for commonwealth divisions, which are done
every seven years, or when rebalancing is required. As you point out,
state electoral districts are redistributed more often, but they're
not in this dataset.

As a point of comparison, Google Earth has a US electoral boundaries layer.

James Andrewartha

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