On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 9:22 PM, Steve Bennett <stevag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  For my own education, could someone attempt to guess what's going on here:
> Specifically, Ward Rd. I see no trace of it on NearMap
> and I couldn't find it when I rode through there the other night.
> Well, ok, you can kind of see the outline of something that once might
> have been a road, but it's just grass. But at Grantulla Rd, StreetView
> shows what I saw: three driveways, all clearly private property.
> Even Melway has it
> They show it as dashed, but I'm not sure what that means.
> Anyway, is this likely a road that used to exist, an error...something else?

It could be a road that was planned but never built, or built just for
construction access, then removed once development was completed.  We
see them in TIGER and GeoBase data sets as well.

Trap streets tend to be placed in a way that they won't be chosen for
routing.  Paying customers would get upset if their bought dataset
kept routing clients through non-existent streets.  I've seen them as
short "knees" near intersections and dead ends like the famous Lye

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