Hi again everyone,

Less than two weeks until the next Brisbane OSM Mapping Party. Details
below. Please let me know if you plan on attending.

- David

On 23 August 2010 18:56, David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> OSM mapping party propaganda follows. Please pass onto anyone you
> think might be interested.
> - David
> ----
> Calling all map-lovers, amateur cartographers, surveyors and
> cartophiles! Local OpenStreetMappers are having a mapping party soon,
> and we want your help.
> When:     Saturday 18th September 2010
> Agenda:
>   09:00 - 09:30    BBQ Breakfast at Leis Park, Lawnton
>   09:30 - 13:00    Mapping
>   13:00 - 14:00    Lunch at Petrie Hotel, Petrie
> Details:     
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Strathpine_Mapping_Party_September_2010
> OpenStreetMap is a collaboratively built free map of the world, with
> simple wiki-like editing;  think ‘Wikipedia’, but for maps. The result
> is highly detailed digital maps, created and edited by local
> communities, that are free to reproduce without the normal commercial
> restrictions.  It's a fun project to get involved with; you'll
> discover how maps are made and uncover the geographical secrets of
> your neighbourhood.
> Volunteers from all around Brisbane have already begun mapping the
> roads, footpaths and cycleways across the city, but now we need your
> help to improve our map by adding street details and amenities such as
> restaurants, parks, playgrounds and shops.
> This time, we will be mapping around Strathpine. After beginning with a
> delicious BBQ breakfast, we will split up and spread out over the area to
> collect information for inclusion in OpenStreetMap. You are welcome to
> map however and wherever you want, but here are a few suggestions for
> things that other mappers like to collect:
>   * Missing streets, footpaths and cycleways
>   * Missing street names
>   * Missing street facilities (traffic lights, pedestrian crossings,
> speed bumps, etc.)
>   * Missing reserves, parks, schools and child-care centres
>   * Missing amenities (water fountains, toilets, playgrounds, seats,
> shelters, etc.)
>   * Details of shops/restaurants/pubs
> However, if you aren't sure what you can do, we'll be happy to provide
> ideas and help get you started. If you have a GPS device, including a
> GPS-enabled phone, bring it along, but you don’t need anything special
> to map - just a pen and paper will do. Blank maps for note-taking can
> easily be made available if prior notice is provided.
> After spending a couple of hours surveying we will rejoin at 13:00
> for lunch and to debrief. If you have a laptop, bring it along and we'll
> show you how easy it is to use OpenStreetMap on your own computer.
> Internet access will be made available through shared mobile broadband
> (or bring your own).
> If you can’t or don’t feel like helping in the physical survey, or you
> just want to be social, please feel free to turn up for lunch anyway.
> We’ll be there between 13:00 and 14:00 and we’ll be happy to introduce
> you to OpenStreetMap, and maybe get you set up to map your local area.
> If you can come, please let David Dean know by Wednesday the 15th of
> September, so we can have some idea of how will be turning up on the day.
> Contact David Dean on 0407 151 912 to RSVP or for more information.
> (please let me know if you don't want these emails in future)
> --
> David Dean
> Post-Doctoral Fellow, RP-SAIVT, QUT
> (me) http://www.davidbdean.com
> (saivt) http://www.bee.qut.edu.au/projects/saivt/
> (post) Room S1101, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia 4001
> (p) +61 7 3138 9329 (m) 0407 151 912
> (CRICOS) 00213J

David Dean
Post-Doctoral Fellow, RP-SAIVT, QUT
(me) http://www.davidbdean.com
(saivt) http://www.bee.qut.edu.au/projects/saivt/
(post) Room S1101, GPO Box 2434, Brisbane, Australia 4001
(p) +61 7 3138 9329 (m) 0407 151 912
(CRICOS) 00213J

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