On 26 November 2010 20:18, Emilie Laffray <emilie.laff...@gmail.com> wrote:
> As far as I can tell, we are still talking with Nearmap to find a compromise
> acceptable to both party. The last email I exchanged with Ben Last was last
> night. I don't think we are near a breakdown in communication at all. I

Is there any kind of time line on this? It'd be nice if there was some
sort of guide to license change over for that matter too, it seems
previous time lines agreed upon are being ignored...

> don't know who did this but I suspect it is for the same reason that it was
> removed from Potlatch in the first place.

Unlike potlatch, JOSM is usually only used by advanced users and it's
a lot more complicated to access Nearmap imagery than potlatch...

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