The URL format is pretty much Google-compatible, and there's also the format
that was added for Potlatch (with the three ! characters).

Please note that I'm not making any specific comment whatsoever regarding
any CT or licence terms for anything you may choose to do when tracing - our
licence terms are the same as they've always been.

Also: we're being linked like crazy from several major media sources, so if
you can ensure you have a decent-size browser cache and avoid trying to
spider down large areas of tiles, that'd be very helpful in reducing the
load (currently around 3x the peak we saw during the WA Telethon
competition, and climbing).

On 15 January 2011 10:49, John Smith <> wrote:

> On 15 January 2011 12:15, 4x4falcon <> wrote:
> > Already done this using the BTC redirect but was hoping to use the
> > "SlippyMap Plugin Custom Tile Source" method as the redirect is very
> slow.
> Same thing for tiles...
> Slippy map integrated with WMS, tms = tile map source (I assume)
> This is what I was suggesting for Ben, a tms:http://nearmap URL so we
> don't need to redirect via any 3rd parties, or even our own servers.
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Ben Last
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