On Fri, 2011-05-06 at 14:02 +1000, Ian Sergeant wrote:
> On 6 May 2011 10:47, David Murn <da...@incanberra.com.au> wrote:

> > Given its age (over 10 years old in Canberra), and these nasty accuracy
> > limitations anyone would be crazy to use it in preference to NearMap.
> Was surveying around Casey on the weekend.  Impressed by the OSM
> coverage as always of the new areas.

Casey was one of the areas I was talking about wanting to survey last
year but it was already done before the construction fences were even
taken down, street names and all (and a single GPS trace, now covered by
dozens more).

> Still a just a cleared area on the bing imagery, but I still would
> have put it more recent than 10 years.  Maybe 3 or 4?

The Bing aerial imagery analyzer gives different results for different
areas, youre right, some of the newer parts of gungahlin are only 3
years old, but the imagery around Tuggeranong which I quickly checked is
showing as March 2001.

> Bing and Nearmap both seemed well aligned, but Nearmap with far
> superior imagery.

In related news, NearMap are flying Canberra as I write this, so expect
even more superior (and up-to-date) imagery online in the next couple of
weeks, hopefully with a little more coverage of unmapped areas to go and

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