On 7 July 2011 15:09, Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
> FOSMs not going anywhere for some simple reasons.
> The people running it are ineffective, the data will be incompatible when
> OSM switches, fosm doesn't have any of the agreements to derive data from
> aerial imagery. I could go on, but those are the big ticket items.
> Everyone should be aware of the theater show that 80n is running merely to
> disrupt the community, and it's very sad that so far he's been successful.

Some background...

80n was an original founding member of the OSM Foundation (OSMF). 80n
failed to be re-elected to the OSMF board in 2009 [1]. 80n and SteveC
fell out awhile back...

FOSM is hosted on server resources provided for running OpenStreetMap
XAPI [2], all code is written by 80n (or his employees) in GT.M /
MUMPS "Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming
System" (not a fork of the OSM.org codebase as has been claimed). The
source code is not (yet) available. After approaching 1 year of
operation FOSM has had ~153 account signups. [3]

1: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Foundation/AGM09
2: UC San Diego hosted server provided by Telascience.org and OSGeo.
3: http://groups.google.com/group/osm-fork/msg/730068be892ea034


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