On Jul 10, 2011, at 7:34 PM, John Smith wrote:

> On 11 July 2011 12:30, Steve Coast <st...@asklater.com> wrote:
>> It's not worth my time responding to messages like this.
>> I wrote a completely rational, neutral and open email outlining the things 
>> we've tried and asking for ideas of how to make it better.
> Yes and didn't respond to a single query, but of course politicans do
> the same thing, they change the question into something they can
> answer.

I didn't, you are correct. I said I would however, if it was an email assuming 
good faith and free of personal attacks. This is common is western societies. 
Or at least polite societies :-)

> For all you know every person on this list is using a pen name, it
> doesn't mean there is a person posting under multiple names although
> you wish someone ways so you could use it.

Actually, I think if you analyze the ip addresses and mail clients you will 
find that some of the posts are coming from the Tor network at times and 
multiple pseudonyms can be narrowed in time, space and ip address to the point 
where it's unreasonable to think they're coming from different people.

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