On 31/08/2011 01:08, Pete Ramjet wrote:
Noticed this morning that user "99scilla111 <http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/99scilla111>" has vandalised a large number of roads/buildings/etc since 12 August. It really annoys me when somebody goes out of their way to detroy the good work of other people.
I've tried contacting them to no avail.
Is it possible to remove their changesets? I only use Potlatch through my web browser.

I can just see the one changeset for 99scilla111 - 8994191. Looking at the area in ITO's OSM mapper, there's only one more recent changeset in that area and it doesn't seem to overlap it, so a clean revert should be possible.

If you ask on the #OSM IRC channel you might get an instantaneous response; if not I might be able to have a go in an hour or so.


PS - and in case anyone is wondering whether this really is vandalism it certainly looks like it - changing "Old Northern Road" to "Young Southern Road", and a "landuse = retail" with a Coles in it to "tourism = theme_park".

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