On 6 September 2011 07:13, Ben Kelley <ben.kel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In general I think it is common that a highway has a different name when it
> goes through a town. Here the route continues, and will often be signposted
> with the route number.

So best to use the route number to define a route when it exists, rather
than a road name 'route', yes?

> I'm not sure if that is the case for every road in this relation though.

The Princes Hwy used to run through the town centre as the main road.  The
through route gets diverted around town to different road.  Some time later
the road running through centre of town gets assigned a different name (or
made into pedestrian mall, one way, etc).  The Princes Hwy road name no
longer exists.  It is apparent where the through route is, tagged with the
route number.  When the name and topology of the road has changed, I don't
know how you can definitively tell where this "Princes Highway Route",
should go, it is fairly arbitrary.

I think I've located the source of this named "route", in an RTA internal
road classification document.


This document tells which roads are RTA funded, and which are local roads,
and does have a Princes Hwy route for the purposes of funding.  However, I
really believe we should stick to mapping what is on the ground, else we are
going to run into trouble.  Noting as well, that the document doesn't
accurately define the route any more than the suburbs it runs through.


>   - Ben.
> On Sep 6, 2011 7:04 AM, "Ian Sergeant" <inas66+...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Does anyone have a good justification for keeping this road route reln?
> >
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/relation/538443
> >
> > The Princes Highway isn't really a route. I can't get my head around
> > including roads that are not the Princes Highway (where it deviates,
> changes
> > name, etc) in a relation called the Princes Highway. It is just wrong
> IMO.
> >
> > Ian.
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