I have noticed in my local area that there are some ways that I added (as 
version 1), that have subsequently been split by ODBL-decliners. The new ways 
created by them are currently showing up in the badmap view at 
http://cleanmap.poole.ch/ .

What is the best way to rescue this data (as the nodes are still my version 1 
nodes, apart from the additional nodes where the way is split). Is merging the 
new ways back into my version 1 way enough to save this data (removing the 
additional nodes)?

Example - shared footway/cycleway:
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/29702607- my original way
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/38534914 - additional way containing my 
nodes (apart from one end of the bridge)
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/38534913 - additional way containing 
only decliner nodes (the two ends of the bridge)

Mark P.

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