A question for the list regarding historical/disused rail lines.

The old inner circle rail line in Melbourne is mapped in OSM, and I'm unconvinced of it being a good thing. Here's a little bit of it that I can talk about with some local knowledge of: http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-37.780512&lon=144.982887&zoom=18&layers=M

Given that there is pretty much no trace of the rail line left, why are we mapping it? It was "on the ground" 30 years ago, but it certainly isn't now.

(That said, there are some small pieces of the track remaining - where it crosses Rae St and Brunswick St Nth, two or three 15 metre sections + a set of points just north of the end of Birkenhead St (including what appears to be an old rail weighbridge), and a short three metre section in Edinburgh Gardens, and the old North Carlton station building is still there)

If there are no complaints, I'm going to remove it. It's historical, and appears on old maps, but does not exist today.


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