On 16/01/16 11:47, Nev Wedding wrote:
Though I don’t know the area you refer to, I feel landuse=water_catchment is an 
excellent choice and is the correct tag for an area that has a capture of water 
as specific defined use as already stated on 
…says ‘Mangrove Creek Dam Catchment’
The problem is that the area we are talking about is not the area in the map you've linked to. What we are talking about is a sub-section of that area that has been protected for the purposes of drinking water supply.

Another I like is reservoir_watershed

Three problems:

1. OSM tags are traditionally based on UK English so that'd have to be
2. This tag has already been used in a bulk import of data for
   Massachusetts where I assume it means something in Massachusettsan law
3. Implies that this represents the entire catchment of a reservoir but
   we're only talking about a sub-section here.

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