On Thu, 5 May 2016 09:50:58 AM Timothy Ney wrote:
>  If for example, we demote all of the "towns" between Rockhampton
> and Mackay to Hamlets or Villages, we are going to have 300 km of highway
> with nothing shown at higher levels.  At present, each of the small towns
> (may have 1 pub, some services, a shop and a few houses), are labelled as
> towns, and appear nicely if you zoom to a level where you can see Mackay
> and Rockhampton on the same map.  These "towns" indicate to drivers where
> they are likely to find at least some services easily.  It is difficult,
> unless you know the areas, to zoom in on a particular area to locate a
> "village" or "hamlet" on a 300km piece of highway, where the "towns: are
> 30-40km apart.

Combining this thought with railway services, rather than an absolute 
structure for applying tags, what about a relative one?  That is, the concept 
of hamlet vs village vs town is according to importance, which, historically 
was population, church etc.

Today, a group of buildings with a service station ( and known opening hours) 
is more important on a main / major highway, than the same size grouping 
without vehicular services.  Similarly, places on a railway line where 
passenger services stop is considered more important (profitable) by the 
railways than those in-between, even if the populations are the same.

I suppose this could be extended to places with an aerodrome with sealed and 
or longer runway(s) being more important than those with un-sealed strips.
Simon Slater

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