On 9 July 2016 at 11:20, Simon Slater <pye...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
> 1/      There are a few 'Bad value for sport=cricket,_australian_football' in 
> the
> area.  The use of the pitch is correct, is the syntax of the tag value wrong?

the convention is to use ; to separate multiple tag values. See the
examples at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:sport so it should
probably be "sport=cricket;australian_football", no leading _ and
replace the comma with a semicolon.

> 2/      Also a couple of 'Intersection of unrelated highway and waterway
> objects'.  How to correct these?

What editor are you using? Can you point to where this is? If a
waterway and highway intersect it's good to specify what's exactly
happening, is the highway a bridge over the waterway, is the waterway
a culvert under the highway, is it a ford?

> 3/       A couple of these too, 'Approximate highway primary discart from
> 35.5339969622m ' I have a GPS track for at least 1 of these at the moment.

Can you point to where this is?

> 4/      'Unconnected waterway or wrong way flow'.  Does flow follow the 
> direction a
> way is created?  This one looks like it is connected downstream
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/385773228

It is connected to the downstream but this way is pointing in the
opposite direction to the way connected to the west end.

You're correct that flow follows the direction of the way. see

You can just reverse the direction of the way without recreating it,
which is the fix here so that it's pointing in the downstream

> 5/      This one, http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/173375239 is a lead-up to 
> an
> old historic lift bridge and is flagged 'Highway above ground and no bridge'.
> What tag is needed for this?  Or should the bridge part be extended?  There
> are a series of these old bridges in this area, so I'll check the others too.
> What tags for historic bridges?

Correct this way is the leadup to the bridge, so correctly doesn't
have the bridge=yes tag. This warning message is because there is
layer=1. The layer tag http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:layer is
used if you have a few bridges on top of each other to indicate the
order, in this case this section of the way doesn't intersect anything
so you can just remove the layer tag.

> 6/      What does this bug mean: 'Bad topology way level 2'?

Can you point to where you see it?

> 7/      Last one: http://www.openstreetmap.org/note/262225 is in the right 
> spot
> for the 90 to 100 kph change, but it is in the middle of the way.  No doubt
> there are more like this in the area.  Do I split the way at this point and
> tag each section with the different speeds?  If so, what about each time the
> councils move the signs into different spots?  Then when fixed, any comment in
> the note, or just 'Resolve'?

If the speed limit changes from one speed limit to another, correct
you need to split the way at that point and tag each section with the
different speeds. If council moves the signs then you have to move
this or resplit / rejoin sections.

You can add a comment if you like with the changeset where you fixed
it, but it's not mandatory. Then just resolve.

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