Buildings render, and I don't think they pay any attention to the type of building so tag the building building=rsl ? with name = someplace RSL .. Then tag a node with amenity=licensed_club so sensible search engines might find it.

On 22-Jan-18 05:28 PM, Graeme Fitzpatrick wrote:
Ooops, sorry - should have made reference to the Club I've been working on: or

On 22 January 2018 at 16:20, Graeme Fitzpatrick < <>> wrote:

    G'day all

    How does everyone map RSL Clubs?

    I saw the note in the Australian tagging guidelines that suggested
    use amenity=licensed_club, but that doesn't render in any way (I
    know we're not supposed to be worrying about whether or not
    something renders, but it would be nice)

    Of the RSL's in my general area, some are just marked as
    building=yes, not named as a RSL & with no further info; there's
    one tagged as a nightclub!; another as a pub; & others the
    building isn't even marked.

    As we all know, they're a bit of an unusual beast - there's food,
    but it's not a restaurant or cafe, bars but not a pub, gambling
    but not a gambling centre, meeting rooms but not a community
    centre & so on.

    I've just found a (possibly recent?) category for club=
    <> which includes
    club=veterans, being "a club for war veterans", which certainly
    fits the bill!

    Unfortunately, the club tag still doesn't render, although it does
    at least display the name.

    What's everyone's thoughts on the best way of tagging them, & / or
    what should be mentioned?


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