
And one more thing: At its best OpenStreetMap is about local mappers
mapping what is of interest to them, so we should be attempting to engage
with out local indigenous community and asking them what their local
language is and what features in OSM (or that we can add to OSM) are
important to them.

Some of this might stretch the 'verifiable on the ground' rule a little,
but I think if there is significant local knowledge, it is fair game for
the map.

- David

On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 at 14:03 David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:

> Hey everyone,
> Thanks for the great responses. I'm glad I kicked off this thread.
> I don't think there is a problem with indicating a name:aus tag if the
> local aboriginal name for an area/feature is known, but you haven't done
> further research to find the actual language code applicable.
> However, it should be a goal to update all name:aus tags to move them to
> the appropriate real tags based on the iso639-3 tags. I'm not sure at that
> stage whether the name:aus tags would be useful to stay or not. Any ideas?
> I am pushing this myself, as I want to build a rendering of OSM that is
> focused on the local indigenous knowledge across the country, but I guess
> this means I'm going to need to do a bit more work to find out the iso639-3
> tags for all indigenous languages in Australia, and maybe even some idea of
> what tags are local to what areas.
> This is clearly not going to be trivial, but what that's worth doing is? :)
> - David
> On Sat, 27 Jan 2018 at 08:45 Andrew Harvey <andrew.harv...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On 26 January 2018 at 23:33, David Dean <dd...@ieee.org> wrote:
>>> Absolutely. If the more specific language code is known, it should be
>>> used.
>> Indeed Tasmania uses a lot of name:xtz eg.
>> http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/123026960 and
>> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/vql, Uluru uses name:pjt, hopefully there
>> are a lot more. I think name:aus should only really be used if you don't
>> know which more specific ISO code to use.
>> On 27 January 2018 at 07:53, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Should the English language ones be recorded as name:eng=Ayers Rock ?
>> I think they may be entered as alt_name, possibly they also should be
>>> recorded as name:eng too (a duplication).
>> name:eng and name:en are the same thing according to
>> https://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/php/langcodes_name.php?code_ID=130
>> The English name of Uluru is Uluru not Ayers Rock. I'd be in favour of
>> moving Ayers Rock to the old name. official_name could still be "Uluru /
>> Ayers Rock" as that's what's it's officially designated as.
>> I'd prefer we didn't use name=Uluru (Ayers Rocks) and instead just used
>> name=Uluru as it should be left up to data consumers how they want to
>> display alternate names, with Ayers Rock either as old_name or alt_name.
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