I have an updated plan, what does everyone think?

- Obtain processed address dataset open in JOSM

- Download existing addr:housenumber in a separate layer (using overpass

- Inspection in JOSM. Areas with no existing address data can be
uploaded in one go.

- Areas which already have considerable amounts of address data will be
moved into separate files

- The big import will be completed under an import account.

I am planning on distributing the leftover data so that others can help
with the conflation process.

On 14/1/19 10:38 am, David Wales wrote:
> Hi Joel,
> I have had a quick look at the address data file in JOSM, and it looks
> pretty good. When you split it by suburb / region, will you share the
> smaller region files so other mappers can help with the review /
> conflation / upload process?
> Regards,
> David Wales
> On 13/1/19 11:13 pm, Joel H. wrote:
>> Here is my processed OSM file
>> https://github.com/zayuim/osm-misc/blob/master/BrisbaneAddressesOfficialOnly.osm.xz
>> The BCC dataset has issues with overlapping nodes and dupe addresses, I
>> ended up removing all other address types and only getting the official
>> ones (as opposed to the alternates).
>> And now the data is a lot better.
>> My plan is to split the data either by suburb or as squares.
>> -Joel
>> On 13/1/19 6:24 pm, Andrew Harvey wrote:
>>> Another option is take the CSV export from OpenAddresses
>>> http://results.openaddresses.io/sources/au/qld/brisbane_city_council
>>> and use https://github.com/openaddresses/oa2osm to convert it to .osm.
>>> It has options for title case, remapping tags, it already combines the
>>> road name and road type together, and converts to WGS84.
>>> But if you've already done it, best post the processed .osm file you
>>> plan on importing and the procedure you're planning on using.
>>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 15:46, Joel H. <jo...@disroot.org> wrote:
>>>> Hi no need. I figured out all I needed with a simple python script I found 
>>>> online and LibreOffice Calc.
>>>> On 13/1/19 12:59 pm, David Wales wrote:
>>>> If you create a repository for your import scripts, and create some
>>>> issues, I'm happy to help out.
>>>> Have a look at Dion Moult's import repository for the NSW LPI Address
>>>> data for some ideas. We are importing suburb by suburb, and putting
>>>> changesets up for review on the repository before uploading them.
>>>> https://gitlab.com/dionmoult/osm-nsw-address-import
>>>> This Brisbane import should be *much* more straightforward than the NSW
>>>> LPI import, because you have access to all the data upfront.
>>>> On 13/1/19 1:52 pm, fors...@ozonline.com.au wrote:
>>>> - What does the "ADDRESS USE TYPE" field mean? And should it be
>>>> preserved?
>>>> Hi, just guessing, when a property fronts onto two roads, 'Uprn
>>>> (official location)' is where their mail is delivered and 'Alternate' is
>>>> the other frontage.
>>>> Tony
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