Great news Adam, congratulations and thanks for keeping us posted! I'll
watch the repo with interest. Let me know if I can help...

On Fri, 22 Mar 2019 at 12:25, adam steer <> wrote:

> hey folks
> I pitched a talk about the growing OSGeo Oceania community at the C3DIS
> conference ( and it was accepted as an oral
> presentation.
> Why? C3DIS is all about computational and data intensive science - and
> much of that relies on the geospatial tools and data this community builds
> and maintains. So it’s a bit of a PR / community building exercise; and
> timing is a couple weeks ahead of the scheduled call for 2019 FOSS4G SotM
> Oceania papers. it’s also introducing our new organisation - so some timing
> is a bit ambitious.
> Title and abstract below, I’ll build a revealJS-based talk here:
> - so please feel free to dump
> relevant thoughts as issues; and help shape the conversation we want to
> have with the ‘big science computers’ community.
> Cheers
> Adam
> ---
> Title: The open geospatial community in Oceania
> Abstract:
> The Open Geospatial Foundation (OSgeo) and the Open Streetmap Foundation
> (OSMF) have been mainstays in support of; and advocacy for; open geospatial
> software and data for many years.
> OSGeo supports foundational geospatial tooling used across the eResearch
> community - from invisible infrastructure (GDAL; Proj4; pyWPS; Zoo-WPS ) to
> prominent user-focussed, user facing applications (QGIS, geonode,
> geoserver, geonetwork, leafletJS; openlayers) - to name just a few.
> In 2009, an international conference of the OSGeo foundation was held in
> Sydney; and after a long hiatus, the community was revived in 2018. The
> result was a sold-out joint conference of the OSGeo and OSMF communities
> for the Oceania region in Melbourne. This was both an incredible show of
> community support, and an incredible showcase of open source innovation in
> the region.
> …and the momentum continues. By the time C3DIS happens, there will be a
> fully-fledged local OSGeo Oceania organisation, aimed at supporting a
> regional community of open source geo-developers, geo-users, and
> geo-enablers - and 2019 conference organisation will be in full swing.
> This talk will be about charting the journey of OSGeo Oceania so far, and
> how the eResearch community in Australia and Oceania can engage with,
> support, and benefit from this local and global community.
> Come and join the party!
> --
> Dr. Adam Steer
> +61 427 091 712
> skype: adam.d.steer
> tweet: @adamdsteer
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